Thursday, November 29, 2007

Penagih tegar

I've read in newspaper about penagih tegar... yang keluar masuk pusat serenti.
And now I have a confession.

I'm a penagih tegar.

And this is my new 'addiction'. .. and please come and join me as penagih tegar.

p/s: orang kedah kata kalau degil tu 'ketegaq'.. agaknya it comes from the word tegar.

Sunday, November 25, 2007

He's Yours!

Mooney and I used to be a big fan of romantic comedy movie. And we love this movie 'My best friend's wedding' so much and we could watch the movie like hundred times without getting bored.. and we could actually memorize some of the script!!

And when I stepped into the grand hall of Dewan Tun Rahah, I heard this song:

Wishin', and hopin', and thinkin', and prayin',
Planning and dreamin' each night of his charms.
That won't get you into his arms
So if your're looking for love you can share
All you gotta to is hold him, and kiss him, and love him,
And show him that you care.
Show him that you care, just for him.
Do the things that he likes to do.
Wear your hair just for him, 'cause,
You won't get him, thinkin' and a prayin',Wishin' and hopin'.'
Cause wishin', and hopin', and thinkin', and prayin',
Planning and dreamin' his kisses will start.
That won't get you into his heart!
So if you're thinking how great true love is
All you gotta to is hold him, and kiss him, and squeeze him, and love him.
Yeah, just do it!And after you do, you will be his.
You gotta show him that you care just for him.
Do the things that he likes to do.
Wear your hair just for him, 'cause,
You won't get him, thinkin' and a prayin',Wishin' and a hopin'.'
Cause wishin', and hopin', and thinkin', and prayin',
Planning and dreamin' his kisses will start.
That won't get you into his heart!
So if you're thinking how great true love is!
All you gotta to is hold him, and kiss him, and squeeze him, and love him.
Yeah, just do it!
And after you do, you will be his.
You will be his.
You will be his!

My heart melted. I was stunned. Cam tak boleh nak cakap apa-apa.
I love this song very much.
So does Moezni.

About the bride.
the first week in the Bloomington, she tagged me along with her to watch a musical 'Evita Peroni'.... hehehe.. I was/am not a theather person, so having the thought to watch a musical was like eaaawwwww... and that one the longest 3 hours in the cinema... hehehe.. but then somehow.. cam terjatuh chenta and we watched the movie for the 2nd time a week after... hehehehhe.... and sometimes, I did follow her to watch live musical performed in our uni like 'MacBeth'.. and 'Miss Saigon'...and few others.

She's a lovely person... she felt guilty everytime we 'accidentally' mengumpat orang.. and she felt so bad about it which make me wonder 'am i such a bad influence on her?'... she loves to eat, but she cant cook.. heheh.. she tried, but ok lah.. edible.

She's sweet and caring. She bought me chocolates... lots of chocolates. Always. But when she realized that I dont really like chocolate, she ate it, but she felt guilty about it. Then tomorrow, she would buy me ice-cream, and when she realized that I dont really like ice-cream, she ate the whole pint of Bens&Jerry.. and felt guilty about it. Then, next week, she would buy me, again, chocolate.. the story goes on.... :)

The bride and groom.

Standing from left; me, Famil and Adam (Dura's hubby)
Siiting, from loft: Irma, Izayu, Dura and Ayuk.

ex IU Bloomington.

Merasmikan pelamin.

Pengantin lama, teringin naik pelamin.

Friday, November 16, 2007

Hadiah apa eerkkk??

Moez** was my housematewhile we were studying in Bloomington IN, and she is getting married tomorrow. For the past two days, i couldnt stop to think about her wedding present.. Apa lagi ler nak bagi errkkkkk.... I have certains criteria kalo nak bagi hadiah kat org especially kalau hadiah kawin:

  • -the present must be very practical, means... benda tu boleh digunakan... berbaloi
  • pinggan mangkuk, gelas-melas is a BIG no no... ramai sgt org bagi hadiah ni.. silap haribulan pengantin terpaksa 'sedekah' hadiah kat sedara mara
  • cadar/comforter set - good choice tapi kena tanya pengantin dia guna queen or king...
  • barang perhiasan cam crystal vase, frame/posters, wall clock - pun ok tapi kalau pengantin tak suka camne? nanti end up dlm store dia...
  • electrical/electronic stuff.. bagus gak... oven/ vacuum pun bagus tapi kena buat collection ramai-ramai
  • rice cooker / toaster/ sandwich maker / coffee maker /iron - believe me.. ni pun banyak gak org bagi.. even masa my brother kawin ari tu, dia dapat 3 rice cooker... hehehe.. terpaksa dia 'sedekah' satu kat akak dia.. hehehehe...
  • photo album .. ni pun ramai org bagi gak...

the last wedding present i bought was for my colleague was a 'cooking utensils'.... she did tell me that i was the only one who gave her such present.. and indeed she like it so much because she wouldnt need to buy those things... guees what i got for her? ... i bought her 7 pcs of cooking utensils termasuk segala sudip/senduk untuk menggoreng, masak sup, masak pasta, senduk nasi, etc.....

and i bought a vacum cleaner for my brother...

so for my friend, i just did my shopping.. i bought her... something that she and her husband could use... and they tak boleh 'sedekah' to other sedara mara.... to ensure that, i got their name - M****I and M***N 'diletakkan' on both of the barang.... hehehe.... i bought two, so that they dont have to fight for the gift.. heheheh...

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Salam Aidilfitri

Ketiga-tiga hero angkasa gaban bergambar ngan Bibik.

Irfan tgh berusaha untuk mengepau angpau dari Abah. Ilhan cuba lari tak nak salam.

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

November 5

6 years ago

Name: Irfan Hakimi
Date of birth: 5 November 2001
Place of birth : APSH, at 2.27 pm, Dr Ashar
Weight: 3.64 kg
Sex: Male

5 November 2007

Irfan turns six!!
Venue: Secret Recipe, 1Utama (very small, private birthday celebration due to tight financial situation of his parents :)
Date: 5 November 2007
Cake: Chocolate Indulgence
Birthday present: A bicycle (hints gave earlier by Irfan)

Another birthday party requested by Irfan:
Date : 6 November 2007
Venue: Assembly Hall, Smart Reader Kids, Sunway D'sara
Cake: Chocolate/ pandan cake with pic CARS on it.

Monday, November 5, 2007

Irfan - Smart Readkids Annual Concert / Graduation Day

The annual concert was held kat Securities Comm. Auditorium on Nov 3, last Saturday. We came early, so we managed to get the best seat - 2nd row from the stage.

Posing kat rumah. His teacher reminded me earlier to put on some lipstick pada Irfan. Punyalah jenuh nak pujuk dia pakai lipstick as I had always tell me him that lipstick is only meant for girls.. hehehe

Tuan director dalam kete.

On stage. Terpaksa curik ambil gambar as parents were not allowed to take photo. The reason being - they hired professional photographer - which means duit lagikkkk...

Song entitle - Love Is In The Air. The group had actually fumbled... hehehe.. they somehow forgot the steps.. last last jadik impromptu dance on stage.. ala ala syok sendirik... Irfan siap tepuk dahi geleng2 kepala because he actually remember the steps.. when he had done his parts (with his partner), the kid next to him lupa nak follow.. pas tu sume ala ala lenggang kangkung atas stage...

Irfan received scroll from the school principal... mcm tak caya my big baby dah grad...

Hide and seek

Izzad fav's games- hide and seek...tapi guna blanket jer... kalau dia agak-agak boring play hide and seek with his mommy, dia main ngan teddy bear a.k.a 'Bebe' (pronounced as 'bear-bear' ).. yang kelakarnya yo yo jer menyorok bawah selimut, pas tu dia buat terkejut ala -ala Mr Bean ... hehehehe..

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Wedding Photographer

If you're looking for a wedding photographer, I have a good one to recommend:

Do visit:

Do call them to get the quotation, or to see their artwork:
Joe: 017-7700859
Dani Izwan : 012-2534519

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Taipei - Touch your heart

Pegi Taipei for a week, bukan vacation tau, pergi atas dasar kerja...Taiwan Trade held a program called capacity building, so basically few countries were invited to share technical know-how on trade / export / exhibition / trade promo activities, etc... kira akak ni wakil from M'sia lah...mcm bagus jer.. hehehe... ada few countries yg datang like China, Thailand, Japan, Mongolia, India, Sri Lanka, Indon, Australia, Nepal, Korea, Hong Kong, Vietnam, Myanmar, etc... pas tu ada the last 2 days pegi field trip to few places such as the tallest building in the world -Taipei 101, the national museum, naik high speed train (mcm bullet train), pegi tgk cultural village.... kureng sesuai sbb pulan pose, so kena tahan perut, tahan penat.. tapi tak pe.. org kata exposure.. hehehe.. mcm tak biasa kan.. ok, the pics (tak ikut turutan, belasah je) :

Inside the Grand Hotel (from left: Ms Japan, Ms Thailand, Ms M'sia and Ms India)
In front of the Buddha in Lugang

One of the exhibits kat museum : contract jual isteri - org dulu-dulu agak2 kalo tak
puas hati ngan bini dia, gaduh ke.. boleh ler jual lelong...

Taipei 101 Building - the tallest in the world (as at todate)

View for Taipei 101

At the entrance of the elevator of 101

Some of the country rep

Ni ntah kat mana punya pintu gerbang

With on of the closest friend while i was there, Orgil from Mongolia

Ni kat depan the Grand Hotel

Dlm high speend train

managed to get gambar kepala train

tukar kerja jadik penarik beca di taipei

the old man was playing a traditional musical instrument called "wu-chin"

ilmu 'wu-chin' telah diturunkan kpd anak angkat beliau..

skuter di taipei... ntah apsal sume org sana naik skuter..

4 Days 3 Nights

Phewwww.... spent 4D 3N with Izzad in SJMC... kesian my baby Izzad... he was admitted right after the day i got back from taipei.... it's a long story...he had been having mild fever + cold on and off for the past few week, followed by coughing... and we did bring him to see his paed dr chua few times, and for every different visit- the dr will change to another 'stronger' medicine.... and the nite before he was admitted, he was coughing like mad - he couldnt sleep and i kinda heard him wheezing, so i thought this might be his asthma attack.. so i gave his ventolin inhaler but it didnt help at all... the next morning, tanpa berlengah -lengah lagi we decided nak bawa dia terus ke sjmc... the dr confirmed izzad had asthma and also he suspected pneumonia... and upon having his x-ray done - it was confirmed pneumonia...

so he spent the next 4 days in the hospital... and the treatment included:
- antibiotic thru injection every 6 hours
- gas (nebulizer) every three hours
- oral med every six hours
- temperature taken every 6 hours
- physiotherapy 2 times a day

for 4 days.. the most that i could sleep were 3 hours... and i would be interupted by nurses... jap nak bagi gas, jap nak bagi ubat, jap lagi nak amik temperature..... aduhhhh... penat travel pun tak abis lagi...
the only thing that i enjoyed was that - i had the chance to choose the menu for izzad... seronok sgt especially when you dont have to do the cooking and pilih jer nak makan apa... but of course for izzad - there was nothing much to choose except for porridge.. but boleh tahan juga lah meriah .. there were minced chicken porridge, fish porridge, prawn porridge, vege porridge, .. and every meal will be accompanied by soup - you name it.. . chicken soup, vege soup, tofu and seaweed soup, etc... itu belum masuk fruits and juice.... i likeeeeeee.... and surprisingly, izzad loved the food so much (mcm la ibu dia masak tak sedap) and he gained 200 g within 4 days....
enuff of Izzad.

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

sekilas pandang seri utam@

Ultraman 2 orang tgh tgk tv.... baby ultraman tgh tidur.

View from guest room- upstairs. Boleh nampak polo club...

View from backyard....

View from backyard... again, nampak polo club.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

mari kita menanam rumput

disebabkan stress bila tgk laman yg gondol, so kitorg decide nak buat lawatan sambil belajar ke nurseri sg buloh... the one yg dekat ngan spital tu.... rambang mata tgk nurseri yg mcm cendawan tumbuh.... last last kitrg naik bukit kat kubo cina, tgk cemana diorg semai rumput

ni pakcik indon tu kata rumput taiwan.. cantik giler.. tapi maintenance pun giler gak.. kena rajin trim.. atau dgn kata lain kena upah tukang kebun....

ni rumput philippines.... tgh semai... mmg dah siap dlm plastik 2x1.. kalau nak tanam, terus dia angkat sekali ngan plastik tu terus gi tanam...
masalah kitrg, tanah gondol tu penuh ngan batu bata, simen, paku, skru... atau dgn kata lain, kena buat upacara mengorek tanah, buang segala bendasing tu...tanah tu kena dibajak dulu.. pas tu kena letak tanah baru, pasir,... pas tu baru boleh tanam itu lumput... and nak buat sume tu.. $$ mesti ada.. kurang2 paling bodo pun kena ada 5-6 ratus utk tu.. belum campur rega rumput lagi... kalo rumput lebey kurang 3 ratus... itu belum masuk nak tanam pokok ke.. bunga ke... lagi stresssss...

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Sri Utam@

  • Rumahku masih cam tu gak... i keep it plain and simple (cakap org tak de duit...) landscape kat depan masih tak buat lagi... gondol jer... konon nak upah kam-lam-ya-nga tanam rumput but somehow the budget for that gone for other things.. mencik aaa...
  • My bedroom is like bilik rumah kongsi coz i've returned my newly purchased bedroom set... panjang alkisahnya... in short, i bought the set from H***Life, but the quality sucks big time... sana longgar sini cabut.. bunyi sana sini.. nak kata kitrg ni ganas, tak jugak... pas gaduh2 sikit, and i email here and there... saja nak bagi gempak kan.. and finally they agreed to refund... sib baik ok, tak sempat nak cakap 'i'll see u in court'.. hehehehe...


  • Irfan has just started his Quran class early August ari tu... I found a sekolah mengaji called Rehal in Section 4, KD... tak jauh, about 5 mins drive from my house.. and luckily, my neighbor pun nak hantar their only 8- yr old son.. so we take turn to send the kids... it's a 5 day session.. every session 1/2 hour and it's one to one basis.... basically, 3 hari ngaji, and lagi 2 hari belajar fardhu ain...
  • Ilhan will be celebrating his 3rd birthday in a week time... i dont plan anything big for him .. may be a small private party.. just 5 of us....
  • Izzad also will be celebrating his birthday in a week time... his 1st birthday.... only 2 day earlier than Ilhan's... Izzad has started walking.. tapi masih takut takut... last week i brought him to clinic at KD...he was down with flu... that that was our first time to the clinic as we have just moved to the area... as i mentioned in my previous entry, Izzad is a big boy... he is 11 mths but he has weight and height of a 2 yr old toddler.... when the doctor first saw Izzad, he thought that i had wrongly written Izzad's birthday... heheheh.. kesian Izzad.... he is such a baby yg besau.....


  • Our financial is very tight this month... It's time for us to renew our maid's working permit, medical, etc.. and everything cost us rm850.. aduhh..Nampaknya tertangguh lagi nak buat landscape cantik cantik kat depan rumah
  • My husband got an offer... a good offer indeed... he was offered to do his CFA... fully sponsored, 3 yrs paid study leave.. plus study allowance... heheh.. but at the same time, i had another thought... 2nd thought actually.. yup, i'm happy.. but the thought of him going back to college/uni to study.. and dikelilingi awek awek muda yng cun lagi jelita.... hmmm... jeles akak.... oh tidakkkkkkk.... akak memang cemburu....
  • Since he got to do his CFA first, nampak gayanya my plan for MBA tertangguh lagi la... perhaps in another 3 yrs i guess....

Work Related

  • My colleague will be leaving our unit, and he'll be heading a new branch in Johor.... got replacement for him, but the new guy has been stolen by another unit coz they are short of staff.. i hope they will return back the staff back to my unit once the my colleague pindah... jangan buat harta sudah...
  • I'm going to Taiwan for a course during the fasting mth for a week.... seksa batinku.... pegi bulan puasa.... sungguh tak sesuai... sib baik course tu best...

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Yang Membuatkan Aku....

Ada few things or thoughts to share....

Yang menyakitkan hati

F : Oh... perut saya dah besar..
M: Dengan 0sim...Zap...zap.. u zap...
F: Peha saya besar macam gajah...
M: Dengan 0sim.. Zap.. zap.. u zap....

I heard this few times on 'panas'.fm and everytime i heard that , i feel like banging my head on my car steering.... oh tidakkkk.... Seriously... do you think you would buy the so-called slimming product after u listen to those ugly script?? i dunno who wrote the script, but obviously, it must be a stupid-but-cheap advertising company.... well, i admit, i might need those slimming thingy,..( i want to get rid of these gigantic hips or i want to tighten my stomach muscle after giving birth to 3 super power ultramen) and i might be considering of buying it.. but after listening to the ad, that's it... that's it... cukup lah... itu satu penghinaan tu.... i might have these big hips.. but to samakan dengan gajah, well, it's too much... hahahah..... tertekan tau...

Yang membuatkan aku kelihatan bodoh

I brought my son Irfan for a follow up treatment at Ampg Putri Hosp last week... there was nothing wrong with him, except that he had eczema (a form of dermatitis.... kulit sensitif.. ala ala cam kulit orang kaya gitu.. very the sensitip one..) he couldnt stand dust/any form of dirt... or else he would develop a red itchy gatal giler condition yang membuatkan dia tergaru-garu... kesian my son... after few days of applying the very-very-expensive-tak-hingat- punya ubat and some oral medicine, he's getting ok... and this was my conversation with my maid:

Maid: Ibu, kulit Irfan sudah baik...
Me: A'ahhh.. kan hari tu dah bawa jumpa doktor
Maid: Bagus ya doktor itu...
Me: Ya.. itu bukan sebarangan doktor...doktor itu doktor pakar kulit...(at this point of time, i was trying hard how to explain to her that Irfan had been treated by a skin specialist who just got a title Dato'....buat duit betul dr tu....)
Maid: Apa??? Pakar?? Pakar itu apa....
Me: (Thinking very hard now......) Pakar itu.... doktor yang bertauliah yang hanya menguruskan sakit yang berkaitan dengan kulit sahaja... (i sound like an orthodox bahasa teacher)
Maid: Oooo.. begitu...
Me: Di tempat kamu, kamu bilang apa doktor pakar?
Maid: Di tempat saya, ....saya bilang SPECIALIST

Me: (akukah yg kelihatan begitu buduh di sini??? begitu terrer maid aku ni, lancar dan terang aje dia sebut perkataan omputih tu)

Yang membuatkan hati ini tersentuh

Irfan was trying very very hard to convince me to buy him 'something' and he was trying to ask in a very diplomatic approach...

Irfan: Ibu... ibu.. ibu ada duit tak?
Me : kenapa?
Irfan: Duit ibu banyak lagi tak?
Me : Tak tahu lah.. kena check kat bank dulu...
Irfan: Irfan nak..
------ and suddenly he was interupted by my another ultraman
Ilhan: Duit ibu dah abis... ibu bayar rumah.. bayar kereta... beli pizza.. beli susu...beli pampers... beli roti.. (and the list go on....)

Me: *gulp* ....
Irfan: *terkujat tarusss tak terkata apa apa dah... *

I didnt know that my second son had paid so much attention on my 'money matters'

Yang membuatkan aku konpius

My long-distance friend, somewhere in North East Asia had made a very interesting discovery... we had an online conversation and i dunno somehow we stumbled upon a topic on kesuburan... he said and he claimed that he is 'subur and belum andropause'.... well, for a 31 year old single and available bachelor, i wonder how he got the test result...and what kind of 'test' he had undertaken.... hehehehe... my dear fren.. jawab jgn tak jawab... hehehe...

Yang membuatkan aku sedar diri

I had exactly rm120 in my purse to survive for another 15 days until the pay day

Monday, July 30, 2007

Makan dulu.. nanti baru bayar....

Note: love the candid pic.. - my mom and kamila

Friday, July 27, 2007

Wedding Update

Some of the pics during my bro's wedding - 27/05/07 (Kelate), and 03/06/07 (Perak).

Akah nikah - Kelate, 26/07/07


Hantaran - dari pihak perempuan

Pelamin - my parents' house

The Ultraman family

The lovely bride - Kamila

The bride and groom - my parents' house

bersanding - Kelate