Tuesday, October 23, 2007

4 Days 3 Nights

Phewwww.... spent 4D 3N with Izzad in SJMC... kesian my baby Izzad... he was admitted right after the day i got back from taipei.... it's a long story...he had been having mild fever + cold on and off for the past few week, followed by coughing... and we did bring him to see his paed dr chua few times, and for every different visit- the dr will change to another 'stronger' medicine.... and the nite before he was admitted, he was coughing like mad - he couldnt sleep and i kinda heard him wheezing, so i thought this might be his asthma attack.. so i gave his ventolin inhaler but it didnt help at all... the next morning, tanpa berlengah -lengah lagi we decided nak bawa dia terus ke sjmc... the dr confirmed izzad had asthma and also he suspected pneumonia... and upon having his x-ray done - it was confirmed pneumonia...

so he spent the next 4 days in the hospital... and the treatment included:
- antibiotic thru injection every 6 hours
- gas (nebulizer) every three hours
- oral med every six hours
- temperature taken every 6 hours
- physiotherapy 2 times a day

for 4 days.. the most that i could sleep were 3 hours... and i would be interupted by nurses... jap nak bagi gas, jap nak bagi ubat, jap lagi nak amik temperature..... aduhhhh... penat travel pun tak abis lagi...
the only thing that i enjoyed was that - i had the chance to choose the menu for izzad... seronok sgt especially when you dont have to do the cooking and pilih jer nak makan apa... but of course for izzad - there was nothing much to choose except for porridge.. but boleh tahan juga lah meriah .. there were minced chicken porridge, fish porridge, prawn porridge, vege porridge, .. and every meal will be accompanied by soup - you name it.. . chicken soup, vege soup, tofu and seaweed soup, etc... itu belum masuk fruits and juice.... i likeeeeeee.... and surprisingly, izzad loved the food so much (mcm la ibu dia masak tak sedap) and he gained 200 g within 4 days....
enuff said...pics of Izzad.


♥ i'me ♥ said...

emy, ko mcm seronok je dok kat hsptl tu... menu makanan tu utk anak ke utk maknya??? hehehe... mana gambo2 kat taipei??

Anonymous said...

part pilih menu jer aku suker... yg lain tak suka.... esp part tidur tak cukup... gambar taipei & raya nanti ler aku uploadkan.. ptg kang ker..esok ker... keje banyak plak..