Thursday, May 17, 2007

Good Bye Hong Kong

I'm in Iszam's office.....blogging using his pc... and currently he's not in the office attending a seminar somewhere... and there no one else in the office except me and the cleaner.... so ini office akak yang punya... Hahahahaha (gelak brutal sikit ... mcm penjajah zaman jupun...)

In fact, today is my last day in HK.. sedih pulak rasanya.. but anyway.. kalau ada duit lebih, definitely, i'll come again.. i think hatiku sudah jatuh di sini..hehehe. before i came to HK, i dont have very good opinion about HK actually.... but after 1 week here, the perspective is now somehow different, a good one of course.... hehehhe... iszam has offered the place to stay kalau dtg sini lagi.. dia kata dia charge murah dari hotel... hehehe....

Last night, i had nothing else to do... at first i thought i want to go to causeway bay, but then cahnged my mind.. i was too tired... we had large crowd at Hofex yesterday.. and M'sia booth was a hit since he had free food.. opss... forgot to mention that we had M'sia chef to do the cooking demo at our booth.. so we had roti canai, chicken curry, kuih lapis, capuccino puding, kuih sagu, laksa... so you just imagine.. there were so many 'hungry' people aroung looking for free food... and also some m'sia people craving for m'sia food, including myself... and the chef - Micheal and Ken.. they were extremely nice, they brought nasi+rendang ayam for me... at least i have something sedap to eat other than tuna sandwich which cost me HKD30 (lebih kurang rm15 for 1 set of sandwich) the day before...

back to the topic about last nite.. i was too tired, and i felt i just want to lie down and watch tv.. but there's nothing on tv.. ntah apa apa ntah.. banyak citer cina without any subtitle... so i dragged my feet to walk around the nearby area.. and found sasa shop.. cheap ori perfume.. and bought 4 perfumes...2 for me and 2 for my husband... and 3 miniatures... all the perfume (2 -50ml, 1-75ml, 1-40ml, and 3-5ml cost me about HKD900.. about rm450....) klau kat m'sia mana nak dapat harga cam tu kan...

ok lah.. got to go.. need to pack things up.. so good bye Hong Kong!!

1 comment:

♥ i'me ♥ said...

Wei, ko dah balik rupanya.. ingatkan kat HK lagi... sempat lagi tu mem"blogging"kan diri dari sana... hmm.. bestnya dpt pi HK, tak pi HK Disneyland ke?? ... mana gambar?? nanti bg aku tgk...