Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Update from Hong Kong

I'm currently blogging from Hong Kong... today is the last day of the trade fair... kejap jer rasa dah nak abis...

Since I'm all alone by myself in HK, terpaksalah membawa diri sendiri jalan sana sini... The 2nd day in HK, Iszam took me to his house, dia kata Chef Diva a.k.a ibunda dia ada masak spesel... heheh.. kalau makan free, i dont mind at all.. the dinner was great... mee udang, nasi goreng, puding, kuih muih etc... and ramai org malaysia yg stay nearby his house joined sama...

The 3rd day, I went to The Peak.. again thanks to Iszam and also his parents yang ikut sama... cuma kesian tgk ayahanda dia yg nampak not well... talking about his father... well, his father reminds me a lot about my father.... the features, the way he talks... and also the way he walks... there's lots of resemblance... and i still remember that once at the Peak, his father was complaining about the weather, kinda windy...and that he's cold and he shivered a bit... and at that very moment I could picture my father... that was quite some time ago when we were in Cameron.. it feels like dejavu....

ha... mula rasa nak menitik air mata... coz i miss my father very much...

well, lst 2 might i went to Mongkok alone... i heard they had lot of cheap souvenirs there.. i took the WanChai MTR.... one thing about HK, is that there have lots of good signage.... i'm talking about the good signage here.. really good one.. and you wont get lost... i took me about 5 mins walk to the station and about 1/2 hour to reach Mongkok.... btw, MTR is like out lrt in ms'ia except that they are much... much.. much more efficient.... the system itself is very good... malu rasa kalau nak compare with our beloved country.... the place i went to is called Ladies market.. more like a petaling street to me... agood place to bargain and it is much more chaeper than other place (well, for souvenirs only, of course..)

Then, I had the chance to go Stanley... stanley market... such a nice place.. tepi laut.. and the view was superb... cuma sedih sikit sbb sorang sorang jalan... i went there by bus.. and again the bus system is very good and they are on time.. its a double-storey bus.. and i took the upper deck .. good and nice view...

Ok.. got to go now... well keep u update later ok...


Anonymous said...

see why i like Stanley Market so much? The bus trip , the spanish style neighbouring areas and the sea. The youngsters playing football on the courtground near the kan? and what a bargain esp those laces, finally sip a cuppa coffee at pacific coffee!

Anonymous said...

hehehe.. yup ndot.. i like it so much.. such a nice place... rasa cam zaman dolu dolu kan...