Friday, June 15, 2007

Completely lost

pernah tak terjadi pada korang..

let say you want to call this person... and you dial the number..... 1 ringing- no answer, 3 ringings- still no answer.... you wait... and 5th ringing still no answer.... and 11th ringing- that person pick up the call and say "hello?".. and at this exact moment... you are totally blur, and forgot who you're calling... and even worst, you say " yes???"

today, this happened twice to me.


♥ i'me ♥ said...

Penah.. penah.. masa aku keje dulu... hehehe... nak letak telefon, serba-salah sebab sebelum tu dah dok dial berkali-kali.. nak tak nak, cakap jela..

famil said...

penah, only to my parents.. sebab selalunya 10 kali dering baru diorang nak angkat..

when they picked up, I usually forgot what to ask..