Monday, June 18, 2007


Situation: my hubby and i need to find another car or perhaps mpv


- comfortable enuff for my 3 kids

- large storage area.. kalau balik kg boleh bawak barang banyak..

- if u drive the car, you won't feel ugly or old.. u know sometimes a certain car makes u looks old..hehehe...

-mthly payment not more than 1k.. or else nanti kena makan nasi ngan ikan masin

- i dont care how the car makes me look like, i look good anyway... mauahaha *gelak brutal* ..lagi pun, i will be driving my old car.. so what the heck.. cuma mungkin sekali sekali nak jugak merasa drive kete baru... but on 2nd thought, if i like the new car... and the car makes me feel good.... and somehow makes me feel/look 5 yrs younger.... may be i'll be the one yg akan drive the car... heheh... and end up nanti my hubby yg akan drive kereta tuaku yg banyak berjasa itu..... muahahahahaha!!!


- avanz* - ok but kalau nak fully utulize the other 2 seats behind, you dont have a storage area at all.

- inn*va - ok ... but somehow my hubby said that mpv makes him looks older than he is... heheh..

- vi0s - looks ok from outside tapi bila kat dlm rasa cam kecik sgt...

- c1ty - ok, to be considered

- perdan@ v6 - also ok.. to be considered....

- nazar*a - space ok tapi again my hubby kata he will look not so young driving that car...

- uns*r - a big no-no from my hubby.. dia kata kete ni org parti pembangkang jer suker.. heheheh....

- sentr* - also ok... and nice too.....

so looking down the list, mpv is out of the question.. now leaving only c1ty, perdan@ v6 and sentr* to be given due consideration.. but the question is now mana nak carik duit down payment?? *garu kepala sambil tarik bulu roma*......

any suggestion??


nong said...

What about Naza Citra? Hyundai Trajet? Mazda Premacy?

famil said...

mazda premacy also ok.

dont get perdana. no second hand value. city and vios too small for 3 kids + parents.

how about second hand Honda CRV or Ford Escape. 60-70K only.. Year 2003

Anonymous said...

tima kasih kengkawan.. :) akan diconsiderkan cdgn itu.. cuma we plan to get a brand new one... tapi tgk le cemana... ni tgh dok assess balik our financial condition nih..

♥ i'me ♥ said...

City tak sesuai la emy, especially for 3 kids.... kalau aku kan, aku suka Honda Stream... tapi tula.. $$$ takde lagi.. InsyaAllah, kalau ada, mmg aku aim kete nila...