Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Pindah rumah

perkara baru yg berlaku.. things.. and thoughts as well:

1. Just moved to Sri Utama last weeks.... the pindah randah was sort of last minute thingy because I have to get my apartment empty because nanti pengantin baru nak tinggal situ... my newly wedded brother and his bride Kamila will be occupying that little house of mine.. kinda sad to leave the house since i've been staying there for the past 7 yrs... we love the apartment so much and decided to buy it from the owner after renting for about 4 yrs... My kids love the house, they grew up in the house... Irfan used to call it "rumah tinggi" and whenever he talked about the house, he will always mention 'rumah tinggi'.... well, it's not that tinggi.. it's a 5 storey apartment...luckily, we stayed in ground floor... and the location is in the middle of KL..and situated just next to mrr2..basically, kalau nak gi mana pun senang.. to klcc it is just about 15 min (off-peak hour), to Mines about 1/2 hour and to JJ maluri, its about 5-10 mins... 'rumah tinggi' has got a very nice view... 50 meters from my balcony is the pandan perdana lake...permandangannya sgt menyejukkan hati... esp early in the morning... and also waktu senja...

2. About Seri Utama....there's a new name for the house.. Irfan and hadzeem call it 'rumah baru' and apparently Hadzeem loves it so much, whereas Irfan cam so-so jer... i dunno whether he likes the house or not.. kalau tanya, dia cakap..'ok lah...' ......a day after me moved in, terus balik kampung to attend my bro's wedding.. so tak sempat kemas... and semua barang dlm kotak... and sampai hari ni barang sume masih dlm kotak.. we dont have time to kemaskan... even spender pun carik dlm kotak... hehehehe.... at first when i packed the baju and stuff into the boxes, i got all the boxes labelled such as 'baju, toys, books, dry food....etc..' and i thought i was smart... and i thought it's a brilliant ideas to label the boxes....of course it is, but when i have 7 boxes of 'baju'.. then i start to garu kepala... and even worst when my husband want a particular shirt, (a dark red shirt that he bought at the JJ)... how am i gonna search for the shirt?? 7 boxes labelled 'baju'... where to start??? and which box to open first? heheheh...

3. the house macam tongkang pecah.. most of the things are still in the box... and cuma buka mana nak guna jer.. and the curtains dah siap tempah a week ago tapi tak de masa nak hook, so i just took an old curtains and sangkutkan dekat grill.... .. hahahah.. when my mother came, dia kata from the outside nampak cam rumah kongsi bangla.... heheheh...

4. do you know.. that sometimes..... when you are in new places or... building.. you have this eerie and seram feelings.... like meremang bulu roma... and you feel like someone's watching you... when i first moved to the newhouse .... rasa semacam jer.. as if there's someone else in the house... and baby Izzad keep on clutching on me, tak nak duduk bawah... and he held me tight.. and masa tu dah tak sedap hati... mlm tu about 3 o'clock he started to to cry non-stop about 10 mins... lepas dia ok, i put him to sleep, and then placed him next to me.. dah tak letak dlm baby court lagi, sbb nampak dia cam takut jer... and the next morning when i woke up...and got down to the kitchen... and my maid asked me "ibu ada ketuk pintu bilik saya pukul 3 pagi tak?"... haaaa.... dah mula dah.. ada yg kacau.. she told me the room was knocked twice... 3 knock at a time... she didn't open the door and she waited... after about 10 mins.. she opened the door tapi tak de sapa.... she said that she knew that was 'someone else' coz if i were to knock the door, i would have call her name... and i never knock her door at such odd hour... and kebetulan dlm masa yg sama pun, around 3 am baby izzad menangis....

5. then we packed our things and headed to pt buntar.... and masa kat kg my hubby went to see this ustaz, and told him about our house.. so the ustaz asked the house address.... somehow through my hubby, the ustaz could actually 'see'...(dia pegang my husband and asked my hubby to imagine.. house from the porch.. hall, kitchen, all the rooms and bathrooms, ) and then later...amat menyeramkan bila ustaz kata rumah tu mmg ada penghuni...ada '2 orang' lagi... hahahha... gila takuttt... so dia kata penghuni tu ada sbb rumah tu rumah kosong.... so dia suruh buat pendinding.. dia bagi air, and suruh carik limau.. buat 'pagar' baca bismillah, selawat, kursi and fatihah for 7 nights berturut.. buat after Isyak...

6. bila we got back to KL.. my parents pun datang sama.. so kuat sikit semangat.... my father pun tolong buat baca Yasin 3 malam.. and he also tolong buat pendinding rumah... and masa before my father nak balik ke kg, he told me that the 1st night he came, when he baca the Yasin, dia rasa seram sejuk and he heard macam ada bunyi plastik kena atiup angin dlm bilik padahal tak de apa pun.... tapi pas tu dah ok... and now pun dah ok.. Alhamdulillah....

7. last weekend mmg ramai giler org kat rumah.. some sort of family gathering.... my parents, my bros and sis, newly wedded bro and his wife, my sis-in law with 4 kids (all the way from K'Kinabalu).. mmg meriah rumah.. makan makan tak ingat dunia... sampai tgh malam pun makan lagi... masa all the guest sampai, my house was such in total mess... and diorg sume lah yg tolong pasangkan curtains, and kemaskan kotak.. and my sis in law kena letak bedsheet dlm guest room sendiri.. and even kena pasang curtain guest room sendiri...my mum banyak tolong in the kitchen, kemaskan barang and tolong susun nicely dlm kitchen cabinet.... nasib baik sume paham coz we just move in... glad that they came and lend their hand, so my house tu dah ada le rupa rumah sikit...

8. i just had 1 air-cond installed in the my bedroom.... we plan to have at least 2 room installed with the air-cond, but seriously no fulus at the moment so we thought 1 is enough...ok la... tapi yg kelakarnya when my parents came to my house... my father (after the minor heart surgery) last 3 yrs, he couldnt stand the heat.. so kalau nak tidur mesti kena dlm aircond..... semua org nak air-cond...and kesimpulannya we beramai-ramai crammed in the room...hehe.. meriah sungguh the whole family tidur in the same room.... best giler... altogether 9 orang tidur in the same room....

9. Lepas pindah rumah.... now my hubby and I are officially broke!!!! I have duploh inggit in the account... oh tidakkkkk!!! yes, i'm totally kempis and started to look for duit selit... heheh.. duit selit is the duit yg sometimes diselit-selitkan di tepi purse, dlm compartment handbag, or dlm drawer... or sometimes dlm bra (ada lagi ke org buat cam ni?)... heheheh.. i found rm50 in the drawer.. tu pun dah hepi giler.... so rm50 can survive for few days i guess...

more on the cerita kenduri coming soon.... tunggguuuu,.....


nong said...

masa aku belom pindah, laki aku & bapak mentua aku dah buat solat hajat, baca yassin and buat pagar. Alhamdulillah so far. Rumah baru beselah kan.. ade lah 'org' yg nak menumpang kejap..

Broke? Tak yah crita la.. mmg cashless habis...

Anonymous said...

aku pindah kelam kabut.. hubby kata cam org tak bayar duit sewa.. hehehe... so masa malam pindah tu cuma sempat baca ayat kursi and azan jer...

mmg broke abis... giler.... parahhhh.... sampaikan makan pizza hut bayar pakai credit card... heheheh....

Aimi said...

"Duit selit"??? aku pun ada buat gak, tapi dlm purse jela, korek2 jumpa... dlm bra tu, rasanya tak penah lagi la... hahaha....